Art in Motion with Thierry Henry and Tristan Eaton

Art in Motion with Thierry Henry and Tristan Eaton - //

Red Bulls striker Thierry Henry and artist Tristan Eaton took to the streets of New York City Friday afternoon to unleash an event that combined art with soccer right outside the confines of the World's Most Famous Arena, Madison Square Garden.

The system was simple: Henry and Eaton arrived on the scene in front of cheering fans and pedestrians walking through the streets of New York City. Henry's goal was to kick soccer balls at the five targets above the canvas, with each one unlocking and revealing a new column of Eaton's art project.

Not many on hand kept track of exactly how many kicks it took for Henry to complete the project. After all, it started with a few practice kicks, some friendly banter with the crowd and some close calls before Henry found his stride and unveiled the project within the span of 15 minutes. Afterward, both he and Eaton met with members of the media, fans and passerbys to discuss the project, soccer and art.

We'll have more soon right here on, including a nice feature documenting the day's event. In the mean time, check out this short glimpse of Henry unleashing his love for soccer onto the canvas: